Architectural Services, Interior Design: House Extension, Refurbishments, Loft conversion, New Build Design and Build, Commercial Building Works for business, Transform your property On-time-on-budget realistic planning One Company can deliver the lot We will communicate with you regularly, Trust us to treat you and your property respectfully We manage the project from concept to completion, adding space and value to the property. Your architect and builders will enable you to maximise the potential
Planning Permissions recently granted for Extension and Remodelling Projects

Brunskill Design Architects have recently achieved Planning Permission for some more house extension and remodelling projects, one for a locally listed building. Projects A & B are illustrated which are both homes for busy families. They both involve improving the connection of the house to external areas. Key to Project A was to gain much needed kitchen and sitting room space. There was a preference to maximise views out at
Brunskill Design – Beautiful Drawings and Brunskill Design Builders Deliver
A ‘one-stop’ Design and Build service for house extensions and new build houses. At Brunskill Design, we use our own staff and approved subcontract tradespeople, a tailored team to suit each project most effectively, depending on your objectives. With construction services and with material prices fluctuating, many special offers and weekly price rises coexist. If you are extending an existing building, it’s usually best to open up to the weather in the